Филатов Н.Н.
Деятельность Отделения Русского географического общества в Республике Карелия, основанная на научных принципах
Keywords: Russian Geographical Society; research; educational activities; popularization of the geographical science
The article dwells up on the activities of the Russian Geographical Society’s Branch in the Republic of Karelia (RGS Karelian Branch) since its establishment in 1945 as the Karelian- Finnish Branch of the All-Union Geographical Society up to 2023. Different phases in the work of the Branch are described, pointing out the activity rises and slumps and the causes thereof. It is demonstrated that substantial contributions to the scientific and educational activities of the organization have been made by the Karelian Branch of the
USSR Academy of Sciences, Karelian State Pedagogical Institute, and Petrozavodsk State University. A more detailed account is given for the productive phase in the RGS Karelian Branch operation which started in 1995, when it adopted scientific research,
educational activities, expeditions, travels, and implementation of research results into practice for the benefit of the Republic of Karelia as its strategic objectives. The achievements of the RGS Karelian Branch in exploring the natural, cultural, and historical
heritage of the North, in studying the White Sea, waterfalls and lakes, petroglyphs, curlybirch, inorganizing various expeditions to the Arctic, to seas and lakes, in publishing diverse atlases of the territory and monographs on the climate and waterbodies,
study and reference books are recounted. The alleys for further development of the RGS Karelian Branch are outlined.
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