Шефер Н.В., Бляхарчук Т.А.
Реконструкция развития озерно-болотной системы субарктической части Пур-Тазовского междуречья по данным палинологического изучения торфяного керна
Keywords: pollen analysis; Holocene; vegetation dynamics; Western Siberia; Subarctic
We reconstructed the development of a local lake-mire complex using the results of pollen analysis and radiocarbon dating. We found that 11.2 cal ka BP there was a lake, which was then replaced by a eutrophic fen with a structure similar to the modern drained lake basin (khasyrey) by 10 cal ka BP. During the period of 8–7.3 cal ka BP, the sampled area was occupied by a mesotrophic mire. At about 6.1 cal ka BP the mire changed to an oligotrophic stage. The modern polygonal structure of this mire was probably formed somewhat later, in the period of 5–4 cal ka BP. There are seven periods in the mire history associated with transitions from wet to drier conditions, which contribute to the development of permafrost. These periods correlate with the previous climatic reconstructions proposed for the Arctic and Subarctic regions of Russia.
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