А.Г. Потуткин, А.Е. Веселов, А.В. Зубченко, С.М. Калюжин.
Анадромная миграция варзугского стада атлантического лосося (Salmo salar L.) в Белом море
// Экология. Экспериментальная генетика и физиология. Труды КарНЦ РАН. Выпуск 11. Петрозаводск, 2007. C. 100-108
The regularities of anadromous migration of the largest Atlantic salmon herd spawning in the River Varzuga have been studied in the area 150 km along the Tersky coast (Kola Peninsula) in the White Sea. Previously only a few isolated instances of Atlantic salmon migration have been registered based on solitary fish catches. In this study migration rate and duration in the years with different conditions of freezing-over of rivers have been estimated by tagging 1000 fishes with subsequent catches by fixed fish traps in 20 fisheries. The effects of tidal currents and freshened river flows on the migration have been also revealed, which allowed completing the picture of Atlantic salmon migration along the coast.