Ю. Курхинен, А.Н. Громцев, П.И. Данилов, А.М. Крышень, Х. Линден, Т. Линдхольм.
Особенности и значение таежных коридоров в Восточной Фенноскандии
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 2. Зеленый пояс Фенноскандии. 2009. C. 16-23
J. Kurhinen, A.N. Gromtsev, P.I. Danilov, A.M. Kryshen’, H. Linden, T. Lindholm. Features and Significance of Taiga Corridors in East Fennoscandia // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 2. Green Belt of Fennoscandia. 2009. Pp. 16-23
Keywords: taiga corridors, forest structure, wildlife, species diversity, PA.
The concept of «North European taiga corridors» is proposed and substantiated as a key element of the biodiversity conservation strategy for Eurasian boreal forests. We analyse the structure and current state of nature complexes, wildlife distribution patterns, operating PA network within three taiga corridors situated in East Fennoscandia. Their significance for Fennoscandia and Northern Europe as natural biogeographic channels connecting the Fennoscandian and the East European biomes is stressed.