А.С. Горюнов, А.Г. Борисова, С.П. Рожков, Г.А. Суханова, Н.Н. Рожкова.
Морфология и агрегация эритроцитов в нанодисперсиях углерода
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 3. Сер. Экспериментальная биология. 2009. C. 30-37
A.S. Goryunov, A.G. Borisova, S.P. Rozhkov, G.A. Sukhanova, N.N. Rozhkova. Morphology and aggregation of erythrocytes in carbon nanodispersions // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 3. Experimental biology. 2009. Pp. 30-37
Keywords: shungite nanocarbon; nanoparticles; nanodispersion; erythrocyte; cell membrane; protein; scanning electron microscopy.
The effect of shungite carbon nanostructures on morphology and cytoarchitectonics of mink erythrocytes in samples representing cells treated with glutaraldehide and then sprayed with carbon, has been studied using scanning electron microscopy. Changes in the shape of erythrocytes on addition of shungite nanodispersion to the cell suspension and on further washing off of carbon nanoparticles appeared to be irreversible, whereas alterations in aggregation of erythrocytes were observed only in the presence of nanocarbon. The effect was assumed to be caused by formation of complexes of carbon nanoparticles with membrane proteins.