Т.А. Сазонова, В.Б. Придача.
Влияние промышленного загрязнения на минеральный и водный режим сосны и ели
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 3. Сер. Экспериментальная биология. 2009. C. 75-85
T.A. Sazonova, V.B. Pridacha. Effect of industrial pollution on mineral and water metabolism in pine and spruce // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 3. Experimental biology. 2009. Pp. 75-85
Keywords: Picea obovata Ledeb.; Pinus sylvestris L.; water potential; NPK content and ratio; vitality category; industrial pollution.
Parameters of mineral and water metabolism (NPK content and ratio in needles, water deficit determined from the value of the water potential of needled shoots) in Scots pine and Siberian spruce affected by air-borne industrial pollution were investigated. Variables of these processes were used to characterize the functional condition of the plants. Simultaneously, the vitality status was determined by visual traits (crown shape, needle life span and degree of damage). Non-linear decrease in N content, increase in K content and water deficit were found to accompany deterioration of the tree vitality status. Spruce was found to have closer correlations between these parameters and the vitality status than pine. Importance of the potential functional condition of a plant organism in its response to adverse impacts was demonstrated.