Е.А. Спиридонова, М.И. Сысоева, Е.Г. Шерудило, Т.Г. Шибаева.
Реакции растений огурца на кратковременные и длительные снижения температуры в условиях разных фотопериодов
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 3. Сер. Экспериментальная биология. 2009. C. 86-92
E.A. Spiridonova, M.I. Sysoeva, E.G. Sherudilo, T.G. Shibaeva. Responses of cucumber plants to short- and long-term temperature drop at different photoperiods // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 3. Experimental biology. 2009. Pp. 86-92
Keywords: Cucumis sativus L., photoperiod, DROP – short-term temperature reduction, morphogenesis, cold resistance.
It has been demonstrated in experiments with cucumber sprouts that long-term effect of low temperature inhibits the plants' growth and development, reduces accumulation of biomass and modifies its distribution among organs compared with the control. Directivity of the effect of constant low temperature was the same at different photoperiods, including 24-hour illumination. Short-term temperature reductions (DROP) have a morphogenetic effect, with formation of plants with compact growth habit but without affecting dry mass storage and distribution, and significantly enhance the plants' cold resistance. The photoperiod strongly influences manifestation of the response to DROP, but has no effect under constant low temperature impact.
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