И.Б. Кучеров, Е.О. Головина, В.В. Чепинога, Д.Е. Гимельбрант, А.И. Максимов, Т.А. Максимова.
Сосновые леса и редколесья Карельского берега Белого моря (Республика Карелия)
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 4. Сер. Биогеография. Вып. 9. 2009. C. 30-52
I.B. Kucherov, E.O. Golovina, V.V. Chepinoga, D.E. Gimelbrant, A.I. Maksimov, T.A. Maksimova. Scots pine forests and open woodlands of the White sea Karelian coast (Republic of Karelia) // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 4. Biogeography. 2009. Pp. 30-52
Keywords: scots pine forests, northern taiga, Karelia, classification of vegetation.
Following the dominant-floristic approach to vegetation, 11 associations of Scots pine forests and open woodlands with 10 sub-associations and 8 variants are distinguished in the White Sea Karelian Coast area (Northern Karelia, Russia). Most of the syntaxa represent the north-taiga units, either associations, or sub-associations within the associations widespread in the boreal zone of Europe. Several units are restricted to Northern Fennoscandia or the only White Sea coasts and islands in their distribution due to both climatic and bedrock factors.