Громцев А.Н., Кравченко А.В., Курхинен Ю.П., Сазонов С.В.
Динамика разнообразия лесных сообществ, флоры и фауны европейской тайги в естественных условиях и после антропогенных воздействий: опыт исследований и обобщения
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 1. Сер. Биогеография. Вып. 10. 2010. C. 16-33
Gromtsev A.N., Kravchenko A.V. , Ju. P. Kurhinen, S.V. Sazonov. Dynamics of the diversity of forest communities, flora and fauna in european taiga under pristine conditions and upon human impact: research experience and first conclusion // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 1. Biogeography. 2010. Pp. 16-33
Keywords: diversity of species and communities, flora, fauna, landscape, anthropogenic successions
The paper attempts at a generalized interpretation of materials from over 25 years of integrated research into the biota of taiga landscapes of European Russia in what concerns their diversity at the species and community levels. The focus is on the methodology of the task. Only part of the materials, which prove the landscape approach to be suitable for biodiversity studies, are reported. We briefly summarise, comment on, and provide references to those major papers by the authors that thoroughly analyse the structure, as well as spontaneous and anthropogenic dynamics of taiga ecosystems, flora and fauna. The studies relied on an extensive background of published sources. Since this area of research is not so advanced at the moment, some of the authors' judgments may be somewhat hypothetical.