Н.В. Медведев, Т. Сипиля.
Особенности зимовки и размножения кольчатой нерпы ([i]Phoca Hispida Ladogensis[/i]) в северной части Ладожского озера
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 1. Сер. Биогеография. Вып. 10. 2010. C. 86-94
N.V. Medvedev, T. Sipila. Wintering and breeding peculiarities of ringed seal (Phoca Hispida Ladogensis) in the northern part of lake Ladoga // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 1. Biogeography. 2010. Pp. 86-94
Keywords: population, birth lair, haul-out lair, snow-ice cover
The paper reports new data gathered in April 2009 concerning the features of wintering and breeding of the ringed seal in the northern part of Lake Ladoga. The main parameters of the snow-ice birth and haul-out lairs of the seals, and characteristics of the negative effect of climate warming on pinnipeds in critical periods of their life were analysed. The ecofunctional groups most vulnerable to such impact were identified in the population.