В.Т. Вдовицын, В.А. Лебедев.
Онтологическое моделирование контента электронной библиотеки КарНЦ РАН
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 3. Сер. Математическое моделирование и информационные технологии. Вып. 1. 2010. C. 11-19
V.T. Vdovitsyn, V.A. Lebedev. Ontological modeling of Karelian Research Centre’s digital library content // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 3. Mathematical Modeling and Information Technologies. 2010. Pp. 11-19
Keywords: ontology, terms, content, digital library, indexing, integration, thematic search for relevant documents
The ways to develop DL information resources by the method of ontological modeling are considered. The contents of document collections agree with the ontology and depend on the level of knowledge about the respective objects in Karelia. Scientific publications are indexed automatically by means of subject ontology. This enables application of the ontologies for building contextual search queries.