Фадеева М.А.
Географическая структура флоры лишайников Заповедника «Костомукшский» и зеленой зоны г. Костомукша
// Биогеография Карелии (флора и фауна таежных экосистем). Труды КарНЦ РАН. Выпуск 4. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2003. C. 75-80
Fadeeva М.А. Geographical structure of the lichen flora of the Kostomuksha Strict Nature Reserve and the Kostomuksha City surroundings // Biogeography of Karelia (flora and fauna of boreal ecosystems). Proc. of Karelian Research Centre RAS. Petrozavodsk, 2003. Pp. 75-80
Data on the biodiversity and geographical structure of the lichen flora of the Kostomuksha Strict Nature Reserve and the Kostomuksha City surroundings are reported. Surveys yielded 144 lichen species, including 14 arctoalpine, 19 hypoarctomontane, 77 boreal, 6 montane, 9 nemoral and 19 plurizonal ones. Most species have a Holarctic (69 species, 47.9% of the total number) and multiregional (72 species, 50.0%) distribution.