О.Н. Лебедева, А.Ф. Титов, Т.С. Николаевская, Е.Б. Стафеева.
Физиологические особенности растений festuca pratensis huds. с супрессированной хлорофиллдефектностью
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 3. Сер. Экспериментальная биология. 2011. C. 78-87
O.N. Lebedeva, A.F. Titov, T.S. Nikolaevskaya, E.B. Stafeeva. Physiological features of Festuca pratensis Huds. plants with supressed of chlorophyll deficiency // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 3. Experimental biology. 2011. Pp. 78-87
Keywords: Festuca pratensis Huds., pigment mutations, green and yellow pigments, suppression of chlorophyll deficiency, photosynthetic apparatus, net-photosynthesis.
Results of research into the physiological features of the perennial allogamous cereal Festuca pratensis Huds. with suppressed chlorophyll deficiency are presented. We found that the genetic basis of chlorophyll deficiencity in plants of this type is the mutation (s) with the pleiotropic effect, wich affects the pathways of synthesis of auxiliary light-absorbing and photoprotective green (a-, b-chlorophyll) and yellow (carotene, lutein and xantophyll) pigments and isaccompanied by change in the expression of morpho-physiological traits as compared with w-type plants.