Е.В. Теканова, П.А. Лозовик, Н.М. Калинкина, Т.П. Куликова, Т.Н. Полякова, А.В. Рябинкин, Ю.Л. Сластина, Т.М. Тимакова, Т.А. Чекрыжева.
Современное состояние и трансформация северной части Выгозерского водохранилища
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 4. Водные проблемы Севера и пути их решения. 2011. C. 50-56
E.V. Tekanova, P.A. Lozovik, N.M. Kalinkina, T.P. Kulikova, T.N. Polyakova, A.V. Ryabinkin, Yu.L. Slastina, T.M. Timakova, T A. Chekryzheva. Recent state and transformation of the northern part of Vygozerskoe reservoir // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 4. Northern Water Problems. 2011. Pp. 50-56
Keywords: water ecosystem, eutrophication, sewage, toxicity, phosphorus loading, water quality, biota.
Long-term changes in state of the northern part of Vygozerskoe storage reservoir are presented. The water quality, abundance, structure and production characteristics of the biocenoses are estimated in accordance with the changes of the industrial center mill sewage loading. The three main periods in the ecosystem transformation are determined: 1960–70s – inhibition of the biota due to toxic and organic pollution, 1980s – anthropogenic eutrophication, increase in quantitative indexes and structural changes of cenoses, 1990–2000s – decline of the biota abundance due to lowering of the phosphorus loading.