В.В. Меншуткин.
Логико-лингвистические модели популяций рыб и озерных экологических систем
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 4. Водные проблемы Севера и пути их решения. 2011. C. 88-97
V.V. Menshutkin. Logical-linguistic models of the fish populations and lake ecological systems // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 4. Northern Water Problems. 2011. Pp. 88-97
Keywords: mathematical models, lake ecosystems, fish.
We suggest approaches to model-based description of the lake system taking into account the hydrological, hydrobiological and ichthyological processes, as well as to the study of the isolated population of perch taking into account the variable growth rate and modification of feeding modes. All characteristics are presented as linguistic variables. Description of functional relationships is realized as the elementary logic function. This approach requires only verbal description without mathematical formalization.