Хорошун Т.А.
К вопросу смены культур в неолите – раннем энеолите Карелии (по материалам памятников западного побережья Онежского озера)
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 6. Серия Гуманитарные исследования. Вып. 2. 2011. C. 124-132
T.A. Khoroshun. On the change of cultures in the neolithic – early eneolithic Karelia (based on sites on the western coast of lake Onega) // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 4. Humanitarian studies. 2011. Pp. 124-132
Keywords: Neolithic – Early Eneolithic, cultural types of ceramics, monuments west coast of Lake Onega, research, Pit5comb pottery, ornaments, chronological stages.
The disputable question of the change of cultures in the Neolithic – Early Eneolithic in Karelia in the late 5th to mid53rd millenia BC is covered in this article. This period is characterized by pit5comb, comb5pit and romb5pit ceramics cultures. The author speculates on the cultural continuity of these types of ceramics based on comparative-typological analysis, physical5chemical and experimental study of ceramic material from settlements on the west coast of Lake Onega. This cultural continuity is reflected in a set of important common features in ceramics of different age (elements and style of ornamentation, technological traditions in pottery). The author suggests that the comb-pit ceramics from the Late Neolithic and the romb5pit ceramics from the Early Eneolithic are considered as successive phases of the Neolithic Pit5Comb Ware.