Зайцева Н.Г.
Вепсские материалы в некоторых земледельческих сюжетах на лингвистических картах ALFE традиции, инновации, контакты
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 6. Серия Гуманитарные исследования. Вып. 2. 2011. C. 57-65
N.G. Zaitseva. Vepsian materials in some husbandry+related plots in alfe linguistic maps: traditions, innovations, contacts // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 4. Humanitarian studies. 2011. Pp. 57-65
Keywords: linguistic geography, atlas, Balto5Fennic languages, Vepsian language, language contacts.
The paper communicates some thoughts about the group of husbandry5related terms from maps of the Atlas Linguarum Fennicarum (ALFE). Analysis shows that in the naming of concepts such as «slash-and-burn», «harrow», «sheaf», «manure, dung», «thresh», and some others the Vepsian language, in contrast, for instance, to the Karelian language, adjoins the south5western Balto5Fennic zone in union with the Estonian language and south5western Finnish dialects, indicating elements of husbandry had appeared among Vepsian people quite early, and thus throwing some light upon the northern boundaries of the Old Vepsian settlement range.