И.Е. Гришина.
Восточно-обонежский комплекс архитектурных традиций в деревянном зодчестве Карелии
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 6. Серия Гуманитарные исследования. Вып. 2. 2011. C. 9-18
I.E. Grishina. East obonezhsky complex of architectural traditions in Karelian wooden architecture // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 4. Humanitarian studies. 2011. Pp. 9-18
Keywords: wooden architecture, ethno5architectural traditions, peasant dwelling, shed-yard, gable roof, decorative details, mapping
The paper deals with the distribution of three elements of a common peasant dwelling in Karelia: 1) the pole5supported structure of a shed-yard as part of a dwelling-and-homestead complex; 2) modillion brackets; and 3) the structure of a gable roof with gables having no transverse supporting walls made of short logs. The ways of penetration of the above forms to Karelia, recognition of them as part of a common East Obonezhsky complex of architectural and building traditions, and a possible source of the complex are discussed. The zones of the East Obonezhsky and the western, Karelian, ethno-architectural complexes are delineated and the results of their interaction are assessed.