А.А. Бобров, Е.В. Чемерис.
Растительный покров малой южнотаежной реки и его изменение при зарегулировании стока (на примере реки Куекша, Костромская область)
A.A. Bobrov, E.V. Chemeris. Plant cover of a small South taiga river and its change at flow regulation (example of the Kueksha river, Kostroma region) // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 1. Biogeography. 2012. Pp. 33-47
Keywords: small river, flora, vegetation, pattern and types of overgrowing, production, regulated flow
We investigated the plant cover of the small river Kueksha (Ostrovskiy District, Kostroma Region). Flora of the river comprises 2 species of macroscopic algae, 10 bryophyte and 57 vascular plant species, 69 taxa in total. The vegetation is composed of coenoses of 21 associations belonging to 8 classes according to the Braun-Blanquet system. Overgrowing is low (10–20 %), generally fragmentary. Classified by the prevalent plants and communities, most of the Kueksha River belongs to the Batrachium and Batrachium-Potamogeton botanical types. Macrophytes are a key primary producer in the river. The effect of flow regulation on the plant cover was analyzed – the rheophilic component decreased, the role of nonspecific, semiaquatic and shoal species and communities rose, overgrowing and productivity increased towards the dam. Rare plants and phytocoenoses have been found. A conclusion is drawn about sufficiently good ecological state of the river and negative influence of regulated flow.