В.К. Голованов, А.К. Смирнов, Д.С. Капшай.
Окончательно избираемые и верхние летальные температуры молоди некоторых видов пресноводных рыб
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 2. Сер. Экспериментальная биология. 2012. C. 70-75
V.K. Golovanov, A.K. Smirnov, D.S. Kapshaj. Final thermopreferendum and upper lethal temperature in juveniles of some freshwater fish species // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 2. Experimental biology. 2012. Pp. 70-75
Keywords: fish, temperature resistance, final thermopreferendum, critical thermal maximum, lethal temperature, chronic lethal maximum
The values of final thermopreferendum and upper lethal temperature in juvenile carp, roach, perch and pike during the summer period were determined under experimental conditions. The values of chronic lethal maximum and lethal temperature are higher than the critical thermal maximum in all studied species. Maximal temperature resistance and the highest values of final thermopreferendum were found in the thermophilic carp, the lowest – in roach and perch. The results allow to predict the behaviour and distribution of fish of different ecological groups in freshwater bodies.