Е.А. Хижкин, В.А. Илюха, В.Т. Комов, И.В. Паркалов, Т.Н. Ильина, И.В. Баишникова, С.Н. Сергина, В.А. Гремячих, Т.Б. Камшилова, Е.С. Степина.
Видовые особенности содержания ртути в органах хищных млекопитающих различного экогенеза
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 2. Сер. Экспериментальная биология. 2012. C. 147-153
E.A. Khizhkin, V.A. Ilyukha, V.T. Komov, I.V. Parkalov, T.N. Ilyina, I.V. Baishnikova, S.N. Sergina, V.A. Gremyachikh, T.B. Kamshilova, E.S. Stepina. Species,specific features of mercury content in organs of carnivorous mammals of different ecogenesis // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 2. Experimental biology. 2012. Pp. 147-153
Keywords: mercury, carnivorous mammals, antioxidant system
Accumulation of mercury in carnivorous mammals reared in captivity depends on the ecological characteristics of the species and could be related to the diet of the animals in question. The genotypic features of the animals also tell on the mercury storage capacity. Changes in the antioxidant system occur in correlation with the participation of its individual components in detoxication.
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