С.В. Егорова, А.В. Степанова.
Палеопротерозойские габбронориты северной части беломорского подвижного пояса – новые данные о минеральном составе и химизме
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 3. Сер. Геология Докембрия. 2012. C. 56-64
S.V. Yegorova, A.V. Stepanova. Palaeoproterozoic gabbronorites in the north of the belomorian mobile belt – new data on the mineral composition and chemism // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 3. Precambrian Geology Series. 2012. Pp. 56-64
Keywords: gabbronorite, Palaeoproterozoic, Belomorian mobile belt.
Results of a detailed mineralogical-petrographical study of Palaeoproterozoic gabbronorites in the northern White Sea region are reported for the first time. Their petrochemical, mineralogical and petrographical characteristics were found to be similar to those of previously studied Palaeoproterozoic gabbronorites in the central and southern parts of the Belomorian mobile belt.