А.В. Чернявский, А.В. Волошин, Ю.Л. Войтеховский.
Благороднометалльная и сульфидная минерализация в малосульфидных эпитермальных рудопроявлениях пана-куолаярвинской структуры
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 3. Сер. Геология Докембрия. 2012. C. 157-164
A. V. Chernyavskiy, A. V. Voloshin, Yu. L. Voytekhovskiy. Noble metal and sulphide mineralization in low sulphidation epithermal ore occurrences of the pana-kuolajarvi structure // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 3. Precambrian Geology Series. 2012. Pp. 157-164
Keywords: mineralogy, gold, silver, tellurides, northern Karelia (Russia).
We consider Au ore occurrences and deposits in northern Karelia (Kajraly, Mayskoye) and Finland (Yomasuo group). Similarities and distinctions as regards the geological position, manifestation of the ore mineral phases and the age of the host igneous/sedimentary associations were identified. We identified the concentrated Au ore minerals of the Kajraly field, represented by gold and tellurides – calaverite and montbrayite, which occur as isolated grains or intergrowths with melonite. The different specializations of ore minerals are demonstrated: Kajraly field – gold-telluride with Ni tellurides; Mayskoye – gold-telluride-selenide with copper sulphides and uranium minerals; Yomasuo group – gold-telluride-selenide with Ni tellurides and uranium minerals. Judging by the EPR spectroscopy of quartz from the Kajraly field, it is potentially gold bearing.