П.А. Рязанцев.
Комплексный геофизический профиль через ропручейский силл габбродолеритов на участке Ржаное – Анашкино
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 3. Сер. Геология Докембрия. 2012. C. 165-171
P.A. Ryazantsev. The complex geophysical cross section of the roprucheysky gabbro-dolerite sill at the Rzhanoe – Anashkino site // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 3. Precambrian Geology Series. 2012. Pp. 165-171
Keywords: geoelectrical prospecting, magnetic reconnaissance, VES, modeling, structural profile, Roprucheysky sill.
We consider the complex geophysical cross section of the Roprucheysky gabbro-dolerite sill at the Rzhanoe-Anashkino site, where new data were obtained on the structure of the study object. As the result, its geological structure was clarified and characterized with a high degree of confidence, and the boundaries of its bedding in the host rocks and internal heterogeneity were determined. Some features of the application and comparison of geophysical methods are highlighted.