С.А. Светов, А.В. Степанова, С.В. Бурдюх, А.С. Парамонов, В.Л. Утицына, М.В. Эхова, И.А. Теслюк, С.Ю. Чаженгина, Е.Н. Светова, А.А. Конышев.
Прецизионный ICP-MS анализ докембрийских горных пород: методика и оценка точности результатов
Keywords: mass spectrometry; inductively coupled plasma; trace elements; quality of chemical analysis; precambrian rocks
The article discusses the results of measuring the composition of Early Precambrian mafic rocks and granitoids of the eastern part of the Fennoscandian Shield by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometric analysis (ICP-MS). It is demonstrated that the bul kprobe sample composition can be determined both by acid digestion of samples in an open system and by autoclave digestion. The accuracy and reproducibility of the analysis were monitored by analyzing the international and Russian standards and the in-house reference sample: BHVO-2, SHD-2A, GSP-2, C-1412.
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